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How to Clean Windows, Window Screens, and Make a DIY Cleaning Solution for Streak Free Windows and Cleaning Window Sills!

Window Cleaning Tips & Tricks

If you’ve asked anyone How to clean windows outside, odds are you were told many different things on how to best clean outside windows. Good news for you! Astro U.P. has tried and true window cleaning tips to get you a streak-free shine, every time! Take the pain out of cleaning your window panes with these window cleaning tips from Astro U.P. in Rock.


(Jennifer and Aaron cleaning the window in the showroom at Astro U.P.)

What You’ll Need for Streak Free Windows that Shine!

Lint-Free Microfiber Cloth

Many people swear by using newspapers to clean their windows but that can leave an ink residue behind. Instead, use lint-free cleaning rags. Or you can use an old cotton T-Shirt, but not that REO Speedwagon one you got at the fair back in ’88. It’s a keepsake and we don’t recommend using one that has been screen-printed. Paper towels are also not recommended since they can leave lint behind. You can use the higher-end “cloth-like” paper towel but that adds the cost and increases waste. The best is a microfiber cloth since it is soft, lint-free, and can be washed and reused next time.


Window cleaning professionals swear by the squeegee. The professionals use squeegees fitted with a stable rubber blade that can easily be replaced when needed. In this case, you will want to make sure to have extra blades on hand to ensure you can finish the job. Some squeegees are disposable so once the blade gets rounded, nicked, or sliced it is to be discarded. If using a disposable squeegee, you will want to have two or three extras on hand because a damaged blade will no longer effectively clean windows.

Spray Bottle

We mix up our DIY cleaning solution in a spray bottle (Recipe to follow). It is much easier to apply than the bucket method and reduces bending. Those of us with bad backs can appreciate that! 

DIY Cleaning Solution

We know there are plenty of commercial window cleaners on the market, but we’ve found this DIY cleaning solution made with dish soap, white vinegar, and water works wonderfully for windows.

DIY Cleaning Solution Recipe:

Combine water, vinegar, and dish soap in an empty spray bottle, and shake gently to mix. It’s as easy as that! Not only does this work great on windows, but this simple solution also cleans mirrors, glass shower doors, bathtubs, showers, sinks, and more. No chemical odors or toxic fumes, but you may have a sudden craving for dill pickles due to the vinegar. To get rid of the vinegar smell you can add a few drops of essential oil to your window cleaner. Citrus scents like lemon or orange work great. 

(Easy, Simple, and Effective DIY Cleaning Solution)

window cleaning


You will need a bucket filled with clean water to rinse the cleaning solution off your windows. When selecting a bucket, make sure your squeegee fits into it easily since you will be using the squeegee to apply the water to rinse.

Garden Hose

A garden hose hooked up to a working spigot may save you time when you need to change out your rinse water and refill the bucket. It may also come in handy for rinsing bigger windows or patio doors.

How To Clean Outside Windows Like a Pro

Pick a Dry, Cloudy Day

How many times have you cleaned your windows only to discover nasty streaks and smudges the next day? Astro U.P. recommends cleaning your windows on a dry, cloudy day. Why? Because sun drying the windows too quickly is often what causes streaks. So, save the window cleaning for cloudy days and use those sunny days for going to the beach.

Steps To Getting Streak Free Windows

  1. Clear out the area around each window so you can easily access all areas of the window. For interior windows remove the screens.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth to remove any dust from the windowpanes and around the window. This will eliminate a muddy mess when you add in the cleaning solution. For interior windows, you will also want to place a towel at the bottom of the window to catch water.
  3. Get your rinse bucket ready with warm water. For interior windows place a towel or tarp underneath.
  4. Spray window with DIY cleaning solution.
  5. Using a clean microfiber cloth make small circular motions to cover the entire window.
  6. Dip your squeegee in a bucket with warm rinse water and go horizontally along the window starting at the top corner and work your way down horizontally. 
  7. Wipe excess moisture off your squeegee frequently.
  8. A garden hose can be used for rinsing exterior windows; however, you will only want to rinse a small portion at a time to ensure you can use the squeegee on it before it dries. It is also recommended that you put the spray nozzle on mist or a light spray. Using a harder, heavier spray can result in more water splashing in areas not intended to be cleaned.
  9. Let your window dry to a streak-free shine!

pointing out a missed sspot on windows

(Aaron points out a spot Jennifer Missed)

How To Clean Outside Windows You Can’t Reach

We know some of you live in multiple-story homes or have cathedral ceilings with very high windows. So how do you clean the outside windows you can’t reach? Very carefully!  The safest way to clean outside windows you can’t reach is to hire a professional. We know that isn’t always feasible, so here’s the next best plan, use an extendable pole. Many retailers sell telescopic window cleaning kits that include a telescopic pole, squeegee, and strip washer.

The steps are very similar to the above, except you will need to use a broom with a long handle or a telescoping pole with a dry cloth attached to remove dirt, debris, and cobwebs prior to cleaning. If you choose to use a ladder or scaffolding it is important to use all the necessary safety precautions and be sure someone else is available to assist you. 

There is also a way to clean outside windows you can’t reach from the inside. You should never lean out a window to attempt to clean it. It is much too dangerous. There are several other options including robotic window cleaners that are very costly and magnetic window cleaners that often lead to disappointing results. For safety and efficiency, we recommend cleaning hard-to-reach outside windows from the outside.

Cleaning Window Sills, Trim, Tracks, and Window Screens

We told you how to get streak-free windows but when it comes to cleaning the interior windows, there’s more to it than just that. You will need to also clean the window sills & trim, window tracks, and window screens.

Window Sills & Trim

If you’re wondering how to clean window sills and trim, for the most part, they just require dusting every week or so. However, if you notice fingerprints, smudges, and smears on your windowsills or trim after dusting you can follow these tips to remove them.

Window Tracks

Cleaning out the window tracks will require more effort than just dusting. A dirty window track will affect your window’s ability to open and close so it’s important to keep it clean not only for aesthetics but for functionality too.

 One of the best ways to clean out a window track is with the vacuum cleaner and crevice tool. If you notice debris still in the track after using the vacuum, you can apply your DIY cleaning solution to a cloth to remove the buildup, and use a cotton swab to get to those hard-to-reach places. Wipe the track dry with a clean cloth when finished. Not only will your windows look better, but they will also work better. 

Window Screens

When doing a search on how to clean window screens you may discover that much like cleaning the window panes, there are many different tips on how to clean your window screens. You can remove your screens and take them out and take them outside and wash them with your DIY window cleaner and spray them down with a hose. For dirtier window screens you may need to use a scrub brush and some elbow grease. You can leave your screens outside to dry or if you want to put them back into your windows sooner you can dry them with a towel. 

Did you know you can clean your window screens without removing them? It’s true, you can vacuum your screens using a soft bristle vacuum attachment or you can use a lint roller on your screens. Doing either one of these a couple of times a month will keep your screens clear of debris and pollen that gets trapped in them and create a better view and better environment in your home. 

While cleaning your screens did you notice some rusty spots? There is a quick fix on how to fix rusty screens.  Apply a generous amount of white vinegar to the rusty area and let sit for a few hours then apply some water to a scrub brush and gently scrub the rust spots away. For more stubborn rust, mix a few drops of water to 2 tablespoons of baking soda and apply to the rusted area with a scrub brush, let sit for 5 to 10 minutes and scrub until the rust is removed. This process may need to be repeated until the rust is gone.

How To Know When It’s Time To Replace Your Windows

Before spending the time and energy washing your windows, you may want to consider replacing them instead. Here are the top 3 signs it may be time to replace your old windows with low-maintenance, energy-efficient Alliance Windows from Astro U.P. in Rock.

Cold Drafts & Higher Energy Bills

Cold drafts near a window indicate the window seals are damaged and the window needs to be replaced. Say goodbye to cold drafts and higher energy bills with new Alliance Windows!  Energy-efficient windows keep the outside air outside, making your home more comfortable inside.  This results in less wear and tear on your furnace and air conditioning system, and we know how costly those repairs can be. 

Excessive Outside Noises

Not only can outside air infiltrate your home so can noises. If you are noticing more dogs barking, traffic driving by, and neighborhood kids playing, it could mean your windows have lost their insulating factor.  Installing energy-efficient windows will help reduce the outside noises, sorry we can’t do anything about the inside noises, however, but you could send the kids and the dogs outside to play.

Faulty Window Operation

If you’ve cleaned the window tracks and still notice your windows are jamming or sticking or the locks no longer work, it could mean it’s time to replace your windows. Older windows develop balance issues, can be affected by rust and wooden windows sometimes develop rot or mold. Alliance Windows are designed with these issues in mind and are made from vinyl, not wood so rot and rust are no longer a concern.

Why Choose Astro U.P.?

At Astro U.P., we know you have options when it comes to window companies in Michigan, so why choose us? 

dilevery truck

(Astro U.P. truck loaded up ready to make a delivery.)

So, clean those windows, and if you notice some issues that indicate it may be time to upgrade. Come see your friends at Astro U.P. in Rock for energy-efficient, maintenance-free, Alliance Vinyl Window Systems. Want to install them before winter? Now is the time to order!  

We’re Astro U.P. and we can’t wait to meet you! Take M-35 to the blinking light in Rock then turn left from Marquette and right from Escanaba.

*According to our partners. But don’t take our word for it, read our reviews, and ask around to find out for yourself.

**Ask if delivery is an option for you.